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Egyptian Swift

Egyptian Swift

The standards of the Egyptians pigeons in Egypt have existed as early as the 18th century.The body is not as skinny and feathery as the show bird. The flying bird is one or two inches shorter than a show bird, compacted and showing hardly any loose feathers.

Egyptian Swift :The Egyptian Swift  is a breed of  fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. . The name swift was given by reason of a resemblance to the bird of that name. Egyptian Swifts, along with other varieties of   domesticated rare pigeons, are all descendants from the rock pigeon (Columbia Livia). The breed is known for its long wings and tail and its short beak. The flying Egyptian Swift is one or two inches shorter than a show Egyptian Swift.

Egyptian Golden Swift
Egyptian Swift 

                             Country of origin: Egypt
                             Name : Columbia livia

Egyptian Swift :There is so mush input and emphasis on the eye sign in the book of standards. Only the professional ES fancier has supreme command of it.